Thursday, December 23, 2010


Our  first Christmas in Guantanamo Bay and we have been busy.  Lots of dinners and gatherings with friends.  I have been baking all week.  Assisted the chapel staff and lots of other volunteers with baking and packaging cookies for the troops and stuffing stockings to go along with the cookies.  Quite an ordeal I must say.  Think the total came to 1,200 app.  Lots of folks came out to help ----YEAH!!!  Thought it would not be so busy and would not have been except for all the baking.  Will be good to be back to normal again soon.  This blog just in it' infancy and hope to keep it going so that folks can check it from time to time.  Our weather has been great but unable to get to the beach until Christmas.  Will have a burger and dog lunch and good dinner at the galley.  Lots of good food I am sure.  Tomorrow will get all the goodie plates together and off to the friends here. Can't wait for our daughters to get here in January.   We wish all our far away friends and family a very very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.   Our doors are open-- come visit if you like. 

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